Is there an Age Limit? You
must be 18yrs
an Over
Interested click here |
Can i bring a friend or Friends ? Yes
As many as you would like
Interested click
here |

Can i ask him to Undress ? Yes
Interested click
here |
Can i Undress Him ? Yes
Interested click
here |
Can i just sit and look ? Yes
Do i have to touch ? No
Can i wear Gloves ? Yes
Can i use a Condom ? Yes
Interested click
Are you reacting the the way your society programmed
you to react. Are you thinking the way society is programming you
to think. Are you behaving the way your society programmed you
to behave.
Even our sexuality is not our natural sexuality. Its all the
result of programming by society. Remember Your Religeous teachers
gurus ,churches and mosques are all aware that to control your
Sexuality is to control you,while they marry 12 year old girls
and fiddle with
young boys and promiss you virgins and paradise if you adher to
their code, their
concepts..Now is the time to wake up???
See if you are able to rise above your conditioning
Here now is an opportunity to start experiencing the natural you
BK Peace
Can i have Two men ? Yes
Interested click
here |
Can i touch the man/men ? Yes
Interested click
here |
Can i Tease Him ? Yes
Interested click
here |
“We are all born sexual creatures, thank God, but
it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift.
Can i ask him to self pleasure ? Yes
Interested click
here |
Can i pleasure Him ? Yes
Interested click
here |
Can i Remove some or all of my clothing ? Yes
Interested click
here |
Can i Abuse him or cause pain? Only
with permission
Interested click
here |
Can i give Oral Sex ? Yes
No Biting :)
Interested click
here |
“Teeth placement and jaw stress and suction
and gag reflex. And all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and
trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don’t
call it a job for nothing.” So real for so many people (but
some of us - guilty! - bloody love it)." |
Can i self plessure during a session ? Yes
Interested click
here |
Can i ask hin to make love" ? Yes
Interested click
here |